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Kelli has basically been running our kitchen. The other day she brought over a bunch of supplies and we made some pancakes and eggs. I made some eggs for Matt and he was very happy. We had some syrup left over from Matt’s trip to California, so we covered our delicious pancakes in syrup and ate our meal.

9 Responses to “Pancakes!”  

  1. 1 Matt

    I look real good in that picture.

  2. 2 Nick

    You look real good in every picture…

  3. 3 Matt

    Good point.

  4. 4 Kelli

    i look ga-ross

  5. 5 Matt

    Lick it and stick it.

  6. 6 Derek

    How did you make pancakes on a George Foreman?

  7. 7 Matt

    We used the actual STOVE!

  8. 8 the aaron vaccar

    wow did i really miss this!?

  9. 9 Nick

    Totally did!

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