Archive Page 5

Las Películas

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When Toy Story came out in November of 1995 it was magical. I was 7 years old back then and that movie kicked some serious ass. I used to day dream about how good it would be if toys could really talk. Well, I’m 21 now and Pixar is still pumping out movies that I find entertaining. We went and saw Toy Story 3 the other night (at midnight!). Basically, Andy is all grown up and the toys are trying to find a way to stay in his life. It was heart warming. There’s not much to show and not much to say other than that it was a really good night.

“To infinity and beyond!”

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Last night was a little insane. I’m not sure why exactly, but it seemed like everyone was a little crazier than usual. The night started with Sam’s graduation party. Shes a big girl now, so we ate foods and hung out at the Saxon Club. Afterwards Randall had a party planned at his house. There were more people than usual, and i’m pretty sure everybody there was on crack. Some of the highlights were a violent game of keep-away in the pool, Mike McCray diving head first into the beer-filled hot tub, and Randy pulling Erika into the pull fully clothed. Also at midnight we celebrated Chelsea’s birthday with some delicious cake that Jenn made.

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Sunday night was the last night of the festival. We walked around, and stayed out of jail again! Ten o’clock came around, so we wandered to the other side of Mahoning to get a decent spot to view the fireworks. There were about four small groups of friends that gathered around Nick’s explorer and formed one massive group of awesome. Nick isn’t the tallest of men, but thanks to Kevin, that wasn’t a major problem. Kevin, with one hand, threw Nick high into the air onto his bike rack next to a lovely lady named llama. Next we watched fireworks explode with colors so bright and vivid that none of us will ever forget! …Oh and Denny’s happened too, but you already knew that.

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Last night we went to the IHM festival. We’re getting way too old for this, so we got some food and left before we ended up in jail. Snoop Dogg was playing at the wedge, so we ventured to the wedgewood parking lot in hopes of seeing a riot of some sort. Sadly the riot did not happen, so we bought cigars and drove to Lake Milton and stood around on the causeway.

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Movie night

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So we had a movie night last night. We decided to go to wal mart and pick up an assortment of snacks to enjoy while watching the movie. We also found out that little caesars closes at 9 on weekdays, which blows. We watched Shutter Island, cuddled with eachother, ate foods, and laughed at Kevin because he was scared. The movie was okay, but looked like it was shot by a 5 year old. Rock and roll.

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an eventful saturday

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Yesterday was fairly eventful. First I was dragged to Golden Corral by Yohman and Chris for dinner. The crowd at the corral was extremely classy. I did not feel dirty or disgusted at all. I ate pizza and ribs and chinese food. It was amazing. I ended up with Amanda and we went to a concert for a bit and then met back with Yohman, Chris, and Monk at caribou. Finally, we ended up at Randy’s where an insane crazy party was happening. We ate pretzels, played speed, and Mike probably had sex with another stranger.

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Yeah, so.. once again, we got a party going. With the slight chance of a storm, Randy was daring enough to have people over to swim. Surprisingly, the sausage/taco ratio was about equal, again! We played a game in the pool where you had to keep the ball away from the other team (guys vs. girls).. it was pretty intense. Amanda’s belly button ring got ripped out. Later, Brittany Murphy got chip-chopped; as did Alex. We went hot tubbing, watched some basketball, then went to Denny’s. All-in-all, another solid night. Rock on, Summer 20-10!

Continue reading ‘Do you want some Epic with that Party?’


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Oh no a tornado happened! It was crazy! We were all scared and making serious business faces as the world ended. Then it stopped and everything was fine.

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In case you havent realized, we get food a lot. Getting this food involves leaving the office and driving around in the sun. It’s wonderful. Thanks to my new phone I can now join the party blogging fun!

Continue reading ‘Comida!’

So, today was the end of the birthday weekend. It was pretty full of awesomeness. We worked for a little, and Lee bought me cake and ice cream. Then we all went to Craig Beach. It started getting real nasty: rain, wind, thunder, lighting. Awesome. We swam, played frisbee, then left, cause hicks and gangsters took it over. Oh, and we saw Jen and Jess. Ha. Llama joined us and we ventured to get ice cream at Handel’s. Kevin couldn’t stop talking about how much he loved Fudge Ripple. I guess his dad used to give him a lot of it when he was younger? Adam, Nick, and I journeyed to Best Buy for Adam’s new phone. Oh, I just got invited to Denny’s, the night is still young.

Continue reading ‘Memorial Day/Birthday weekend finale.’

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