Author Archive for Matt
Christmas Summary
For the holidays, we have been a bit busy being merry and joyous and loving, so here is a little recap on what has been going down at the 528.
The Plan
So, I was talking with Derek today, and we devised the best plan ever. Take a look at Exhibit A: If you can’t tell, that is an ariel view of our neighborhood. Our house is circled, and labeled with 528. Down at the bottom, Birch Hill Dr is circled as well. The plan is to […]
…and we’re back online!
Starting at around 1am, our server was down for some scheduled maintenance. We were down for 8 hours (until 9am), but things are back up and running smoothly now. Sorry to scare everyone thinking that we exploded. I know you guys were worried.
Christmas Time is Coming!
So we took the Christmas tree out of the attic and set it up to display our love for Jesus.
Dick Montana Trailer 2
Are you all waiting for Dick Montana like I am? Just incase you haven’t heard of the epic story, here is trailer #2 for A Clip Full of Vengeance: The Life of Dick Montana. Trailer #1. Get the Flash Player to see this content.
You know, today, we did absolutely NOTHING. I slept all day. Tired and boring. FUCK!
Twisted Metal
Basically so far this weekend, we have played Twisted Metal 2 on the ol’ PS2. Everything amazingly exciting. Also, Nick swept the floor. And Chelsea brought us hot chocolate mix!!!!!
So Nick and myself were in the attic cleaning for the recording studio when we decided that it was more efficient to smash the objects before we put them into bags. By the way, this house was Sam’s old house, so it’s basically all of her childhood memories destroyed with a baseball bat. Enjoy. Get the […]
Archive for Matt.
Longer entries are truncated. Click the headline of an entry to read it in its entirety.